Rabu, 14 Maret 2012

Exercise Your Lungs for Better Breathing and Less Time Out of Breath

Exercise Your Lungs for Better Breathing and Less Time Out of Breath

Breathing is something we do naturally, but rarely do we think about how better breathing can enhance our performance in both sports and everyday activities. Training your lungs is just as critical as other fitness activities we participate in for a better health. There are many benefits to health and many potential problems when the breathing fitness is ignored. Fortunately there are solutions to improve the breathing and thus your performance. If you have difficulty breathing, a conversation with a doctor or respiratory specialist would be time well spent. The information here can be a source of help for these conversations.

When breathing properly, the body of oxygen and cells and tissues are received from the energy required to carry out their functions. Concentration has improved, strengthened the immune system, increased metabolism, stress reduction, and an overall feeling of wellbeing. The most important thing is, and often do not think, is to improve the breathing what time to detoxify the body more efficiently. Although a small percentage of the toxic substances are discharged through sweating, urination, defecation, most (around 70%) are discharged through the breathing.

On the contrary, if there is one with respiratory problems and is out of breath, panting, gasping, there are many potential side effects. In this case, it is dizzy, unable to concentrate, or stressed. In addition, it is open to painful muscles and a tight feeling, digestion, numbness, and other conditions. As mentioned above, when not breathing properly, detoxification is dramatically carried out, the body can not rid itself of toxic substances in an efficient manner.

There are twelve sets of the breathing muscles that make respiration possible. Like any other muscle in the body, they can get tired and overexerted, resulting in a condition out of breath, gasping for air, etc. This happens to an athlete who pushes them self to the limit, and to someone who exerts in everyday activities. It is clear that it is not just a state of excessive shortness of breath that we should be concerned. Regular natural breathing is controlled by those muscles as well.

The exercise of the breathing muscles can be one of the ways to improving your performance. Thanks to the new and improved technology, this can be accomplished with the help of devices. These can be used only a few times a day to the effective exercise of all respiratory function including inhale and exhale. A device, such as the PowerLung exercises the twenty-four muscles responsible for respiratory function, thus improving breathing endurance and reducing the chance to be out of breath. This type of exercise apparatus of the lungs in a way very similar to resistance training any muscle or muscle group

Breathing can help or hurt your performance in many ways, whether you are a professional athlete in search of excellence or if you have a high to climb the stairs better. If you are unsure of the severity of your breathing issues, a conversation with a doctor or respiratory therapist is needed. If you're looking to improve your overall performance through better breathing, fortunately, there are methods available to help.

Debs - Make Your Daughter's Day Truly Special

Debs - Make Your Daughter's Day Truly Special

Celebrating your daughter' s graduation from high school requires something very special. Her Debs has to be a night to remember all her life.

What can you do as a parent to help achieve this magical evening? Spend lots of money on her, basically. Pay for make-up, hair dresser and dress. Buy her the new shoes, jewelry and accessories she needs.

The evening's preparations will last the whole day. There will be hair and makeup appointments, endless phone calls to be made and lots of tears to be shed.

One way to make her day special is to have a Pre-Debs all day getting ready party. Girls love to do things with their friends. So let them.

Suggest that your daughter invite her friends around. Let them take over the house for a day. This is an all female day, so brothers and father need to be sent out for the day.

Book a recommended hairdresser to come around from about 11am. Let the hairdresser know the number of girls and he or she will have a good idea of the time required. The girls will love seeing their friends transformed.

Find a qualified make-up artist who will spend the day with the girls making them look their finest. This may include spray tanning. Consult with the make-up artist whether the spray tanniing needs to be done the day before.

What will the girls do while they are waiting for their turn? They will eat pizza, sweets and chocolate, drink lots of soda and smoke lots of cigarettes.<

How can you absolutely guarantee a successful day? Hire a chocolate fountain.

Can you imagine a chocoholic's fantasy come true? What better way to satisfy the craving for chocolate that so many girls have?

Liquid chocolate in a never-ending flow that guests can see continuously moving exerts an irresistible pull on chocoholics. Watching chocoholics facial expressions at a chocolate fountain is fascinating. They almost drool, just at the sight! Check out http://www.chocolate-fountain-tomorrow.info for more information.

Marshmallows, strawberries or other fruit is normally provided to dip into the chocolate stream. These can be messy to eat, but it is never going to bother a chocoholic.

You can rent or hire a large chocolate fountain for your party or reception from a large number of companies. You may have to pay a transportation charge because the fountain can weigh up to 45 pounds. The fountain usually comes with chocolate, but many require you to provide the cream that is necessary to liquefy it.

You can buy a small chocolate fountain for use at home from many stores. Alternatively you can rent a large one easily enough.

Sabtu, 02 April 2011


Sekilas perangkat ini mengesankan kita kepada sebuah permainan yang menggunakan uang mainan (tiruan) sebagai alat transaksi. Monopoli! Itulah permainan yang dimaksud dimana hampir semua orang telah mengenalnya, bahkan pernah memainkannya. Tetapi tidak untuk yang satu ini. Karena permainan ini memiliki perbedaan atau kelebihan jika dibandingkan dengan Permainan Monopoli dan masih sangat sedikit orang yang mengetahui atau pernah memainkannya. Itupun mereka yang pernah mengikuti pelatihan kewirausahaan yang dikembangkan oleh ILO. Lho?
Ya, permainan ini adalah salah satu permainan bisnis dimana dalam pelatihan kami sering menyebutnya sebagai Game Bisnis atau Game Modul, yang terdiri dari empat Modul atau jenis permainan yang berbeda, yang bisa dimainkan secara terpisah namun memiliki hubungan yang saling membangun dalam poin pembelajarannya.
Sebagai alat pelatihan, permainan ini memberikan pengalaman ‘praktis’ dalam menjalankan usaha dalam suatu ruang pelatihan, dan dirancang untuk memberikan kesempatan bagi peserta untuk mengambil keputusan-keputusan –dan menghadapi konsekuensi-konsekuensi dari keputusa tersebut- yang harus mereka lakukan dalam dunia usaha yang sesungguhnya. Oleh karenanya, permainan ini mensimulasikan lingkungan usaha yang nyata.
Siapa yang membutuhkan Game ini?
Pada khususnya, permainan ini digunakan dalam pelatihan bagi:
• Mereka yang ingin mempelajari apa yang dimaksud dengan usaha
• Mereka yang ingin memulai suatu usaha, dan
• Mereka yang ingin memperbaiki usaha yang sedang mereka miliki saat ini.
• Multi-fungsi; Dapat digunakan sendiri sebagai suatu alat pelatihan khusus dan
juga sebagai alat dalam sebuah program pelatihan untuk menekankan kembali konsep
usaha yang telah diperkenalkan dalam ruangan kelas selama pelatihan.
• Fleksibel: Dapat digunakan untuk melatih calon pengusaha ataupun pengusaha
disemua tingkatan, dan juga cocok untuk mereka yang terbatas pemahaman usahanya.
• Dapat diadaptasi: Dapat digunakan untuk menggarisbawahi butir-butir pembelajaran
tertentu sesuai yang diinginkan oleh pelatih.
• Modular: menggunakan pendekatan langkah demi langkah, Modular, dan butir-butir
pembelajaran saling membangun diatas satu sama lainnya.
• Unik: Menambah pemahaman baru setiap kali dimainkan
• Ramah Waktu: Dpat dimainkan dalam sesi dua jam, atau selama sehari penuh
• Menyenangkan dan mendidik: Kejadian—kejadian dalam kehidupan sesungguhnya yang
terdapat dalam permainan membuat peserta menikmati permainan dan belajar banyak
dari permainan ini.

Berikut informasi dan gambaran singkat mengenai masing-masing Game, dari Game Modul 1 hingga Modul 4.

MODUL 1: Konsep Usaha Dasar
Kunci pembelajaran utama:
• Siklus usaha dasar (menambah nilai dan mengambil untung)
• Membuat keputusan-keputusan financial (bentrokan kebutuhan untuk usaha dan
• Mengelola cash flow (arus uang)
• Pembukuan dasar
• Mengelola resiko

MODUL 2: Permintaan dan Penawaran
Kunci Pembelajaran Utama:
• Penawaran dan permintaan di pasar
• Cara memasang harga untuk sebuah produk agar dapat memperoleh keuntungan
• Pembukuan lanjutan
• Teknik-teknik penjualan dan seni negosiasi
• Kualitas untuk persaingan

MODUL 3: Menjangkau Pelanggan
Burir-butir pembelajaran utama:
• Menjangkau pelanggan melalui pemasaran yang efektif
• Merencanakan usaha
• Keterampilan bernegosiasi dan kredibilitas
• Teknik-teknik produksi yang efisien
• Prinsip-prinsip kualitas yang baik

MODUL 4: Mengelola Pasar Yang Beragam
Poin-poin pembelajaran utama:
• Merencanakan dan mengelola suatu usaha yang kompleks
• Memperluas jenis produk – menambah ragam atau menspesialisasi-
• Membangun hubungan usaha yang kuat
• Menghadapi perubahan-perubahan yang tak terduga